Here are the latest November insights and updates shared from Black Book and the ever-changing RV industry. Stay informed!
RV Values stay strong as cooler weather arrives!
“It’s tempting to look at the raw sales data for the month and conclude that motorized units saw a big jump in values, but if you exclude last month’s drop from the mix, they have been very stable for the past several months. Towables were essentially unchanged, so I think that what we are really seeing is a strong and stable market across the board, which should begin to decline as we get closer to winter.”
-Eric Lawrence, Principal Analyst – Specialty Markets
Taking a closer look at the markets, we see that the average selling price for motorized units was $48,361, which is up $4,142 (9.3%) from the previous month. Towables came in at $15,912, down $23 (0.1%) from last month. One year ago the average motor home sold for $48,269 and the average towable unit brought $13,939. Auction volume was mixed: motor homes dropped 14% and towables rose 9%. The average age of motorized units was eight years old (2011), and towables was the same (2011).
Notable Insights:
For Motor Homes (including Class A, B, and C)
- Average selling price was $48,361, up $4,142 (9.3%) from the previous month.
- One year ago, the average selling price was $48,269.
- Auction volume was down 14% from the previous month. The average model year was 2011.